“I will NEVER do this to my kids!” I thought heatedly, with deep conviction, for the thousandth time. I was a little kid with big emotions, one of them being frustration rooted in the feeling that my parents just...
As parents, it can be a challenge to let our children struggle. We want to keep them safe; we do not like to see them having a hard time. It feels as though it goes completely against our evolutionary...
I have a love/hate relationship with day care. Claire was born in January. I was lucky enough to have about ten weeks of family leave. (Although I’m privileged compared to most in the country, I shouldn’t have to feel lucky—this...
Having a child is an invitation to become a better you. I recently saw a meme that said, “Things we model for our kids, whether we realize it or not…” and it listed: relationships with technology, how we deal with...
This is the third segment in a three part series tackling how to parent in more eco-friendly ways. The first post was on cloth diapering, the second on food waste, and this one will discuss toys and clothing. In our...
My child sometimes says please and thank you. If he really wants something, he yells, "Peeeaaaassss." I call that progress. I try to always say please and thank you if we are out to eat or checking out a...
Today was pretty typical. I got up, got Claire changed, dressed, and gave her breakfast; got myself dressed and ready, and headed out. The drive to campus would be 35 minutes, but for our stop at day care, which...
My husband and I must be certifiably nuts! Our two oldest daughters are 20 months apart in age. I knew when they were babies that they would be two years apart in school and be in High School at the...
  My husband and I got home from a date night and as we thanked our sitter for watching our son, she said, "of course, I just realized it might be the last time I get to watch him because...
I recently saw a meme online that read, “Breastfeeding for one year is approximately 1800 hours. A full-time job with 3 weeks of vacation is 1,960 hours. Just a fun fact.”  Since my pump measures the number of hours...
I sat and talked with the babysitter, a good friend of mine, about how Moira's time with her had been. My friend gave me the usual rundown of activities and various reactions Moira had to them and the interactions...
The number of dads who stay home with their children has doubled since 1989. While mothers still make up the majority of stay-at-home-parents, an increasing number of fathers are joining the ranks. However, the public generally places less value...
When I married my husband, I expected, and received a partner. Someone who would run the house as my equal and when it came to it, take care of our children. Sometimes we can't be 50/50 and that's okay,...

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In + Around Flagstaff

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

I do not like roses. There, I said it. I also don't love boxes of chocolate. Or stuffed teddy bears. So here's a list...

The Guide: January

Flagstaff in October

The Guide: October