Is it sweater weather yet? A chilly car-ride in the morning, leaves turning and pumpkin spice everything has me reaching for my favorite cozy toppers and boots. Here's a simple fashion update to help you freshen up your fall...
Warmer days got you wanting to trade out your Uggs for spring sandals? Maybe it's time for a closet clean-out? I know that may not sound real fun. But what if you got to attend (or host) a "naked...
Want to know my biggest guilty pleasure? It's not reality TV shows or fancy chocolate. I don't have a hidden love of shopping or crave extra large bubbly fountain drinks. But I do LOVE watching Makeup Tutorials online. Isn't that...
Amazon Prime is the modern-day genie in a box. With one quick swipe of the phone app, or a few clicks on the keyboard I can have an entire cartload of products delivered to my doorstep - almost faster...
When my friends who have never been to Flagstaff ask me what the people are like, or more specifically,  what my mom friends in Flagstaff are like, I tend to describe them as "hippie chic".  I think it's pretty...

Mox Shoes

This post was created in partnership with Mox Shoes - all opinions are our own.  As a work from home mom, I’ve noticed that my fashion, or lack thereof, quickly morphed from cute and casual, to looking like I am...
Like many an American bride, after my wedding day I took my dress to the dry cleaners where it was cleaned, preserved and put in a large box. The box then promptly went into my closet where it sat...

Mom, Wash Your Face

My whole life, I’ve hated washing my face.  I think it was because water would get everywhere... so I didn’t really do it that often. Over a year ago, I was introduced to a new regimen of skin care, it...
Momming is a workout. You start the day running--not necessarily by choice--but more likely after the crazy toddler that made his way out the back door while you were changing a load of laundry. The last thing on your...
When you're young, make-up is grown up and fun. However, the older you get, make-up becomes less fun and more seemingly mandatory.  According to New Beauty, 80% of women wear make up every single day.  This number bothers me a lot....
Because Mom needs a little something too :) Sweater: Not quite dressed for the day? This is a perfect "almost" dressed look for carpool.  Pop Socket: If you haven't joined the craze, now it the time! Your texting will never be...
Motherhood is hard enough as it is... How can we learn to be positive about bodies that don't look anything like the bodies we see in the media?  Our culture is obsessed with the female form. Women's bodies are expected to...
I have very little control over anything. Like, almost zero. I have no time for myself. Few rituals or routines in my current life have endured COVID and are still with me today. But one thing remains - my...

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In + Around Flagstaff

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

I do not like roses. There, I said it. I also don't love boxes of chocolate. Or stuffed teddy bears. So here's a list...

The Guide: January

Flagstaff in October

The Guide: October