Karli Haviland
I Forgot How to Love Her: a Mother’s Reawakening
I don't know how to write about this without sounding like and feeling like a truly terrible mother.
I know that lately, there have been a lot of posts and articles from moms (myself included)...
Pregnancy After Loss: Rituals To Bring You Peace
There is a special kind of anxiety that comes when a woman has experienced a miscarriage and then conceives again. She feels that any moment, this precious being could be ripped from her. There...
Ways to Wear your Kiddo: Wraps, Carriers, and Resources
Some basics:
-Always follow the safety instructions for every wrap or carrier you use. Use a spotter at first to make sure babe is secure and you feel supported.
-Babe should be close enough to kiss...
Gender Neutral Parenting: A Quick Why and How To
From the moment society discovers we're pregnant, they want to know...they NEED to know: is it a boy or a girl?
I find this question so mind-boggling because no matter the answer the stranger is...
I Dare You to Live with Less
When I woke up for no particular reason in the middle of the night just in time to see our front porch catching on fire through my bedroom window, I had no idea that...
That Time I Tried on Swimwear with my Toddler at Naptime
It's an unspoken rule.
You don't try on swimwear with your kid(s) in tow without backup. You just don't.
A spoken rule: you definitely don't try to do anything for yourself at nap time. It's a...
“Lose the Pooch” and Other Thoughts on Postpartum
Picture this: you just gave birth to your newborn. You clap yourself on the back for running the marathon that is labor. Maybe you deal with some hard feelings about the way your birth...